Sunday 20 October 2013

Week 7 The Vanishing Film Review Includes Spoilers

The Vanishing Starring Kiefer Sutherland
Jeff Bridges and Sandra Bullock
I watched The Vanishing other night and liked the sound of the film. Then I seen that Kiefer Sutherland was starring in it.I find it hard to hate any film that Kiefer Sutherland is in and The Vanishing is no exception. I loved this film. Family/ Mad man Barney Cousins played by Jeff Bridges is on the hunt for a lady and is more than shocked when he is about to give up his desperate stalker attempts on women when the lovely Diane Shaver played by Sandra Bullock comes along and is intrigued into his car and taken. Diane's boyfriend Jeff Harriman played by Kiefer Sutherland doesn't give up the such on his girlfriend and is broken by her disappearance .This is all until Rita Baker comes along and steals his heart. This upset me personally. How could Sutherland move on so fast? Reminding my self that he is playing Jeff Harriman I continued with the film with an open mind. It seems Jeff moved on but still wanted to know what happened to his love. He soon comes face to face with Barney and gives him a bloody appearance. What would a film with Kiefer Sutherland be without a slice of his hard guy persona ? Jeff even risks his own safety playing the games of the mad man to find out what happened to Diane. The result is chilling and I advice all to watch. Beautifully played my love for Lost Boys star Sutherland is ever growing.

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