Tuesday 22 October 2013

Chiwetel Ejiofor defends violent scenes in 12 Years a Slave

Link to full article
I have posted this link as I keep my self updated with news on the soon to be released film 12 Years a Slave. I'm looking forward to watching this film when it is released 24th January 2014.The film is about a man who was sold into slavery in 1841.The article is about how the film has decided to include violent scenes explaining that this was the only way to truly represent slavery. I agree with their choice to include such scenes in the movie if the correct mood and history is created by including these scenes. I believe it is only correct to all those affected by slavery to have the correct story told .It should not be sugar coated for anybody as people must realise the world we live in and its history. To hide this fact would be disrespectful and ignorant and as long as the scenes have been shot in a respectful and tactful way then the violent scenes would not offend but educate and open my mind to the truths that these people lived by.

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