Saturday 30 November 2013

Diegetic and Non Diegetic Sound website
Posting this link to a great website on Diegetic and Non Diegetic Sound .Explains it really well with examples and would be great to put into sound notes for AS film studies.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Week 13 Brilliant new IMAX poster for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
An Odd one!
Wanted to post this to hear what you think of it. Personally I find it intricate as stated a little disturbing as The Hunger Games has been merged with what appears to be statues of cherubs or angels. I cant see any relation to the film or book but OK.I find Donald Sutherland Blind folded puzzling and chills me to the bone. Overall its really weird !!!!!!!!
What do you think?

Click the link to see the whole picture

There's also an interesting a lil bit of info to get around.


Ninety years of Disney: in pictures and what I have learned from Disney

I'm a huge Disney fan. In fact I don't think I've met anyone who doesn't love a Disney film. I'm posting this link to a series of picture celebrating Ninety years of Disney. The pictures feature Mr Walt himself Mickey and many other beloved Disney classics from Dalmatians to Little Mermaid, Snow White to Lady and The Tramp. Lovely picture that will bring joy to any Disney fan :)
I think Disney has been so successful over the years as it has always had a wide range of characters from talking fish to Jack sparrow. They also have branched out into Disney Pixar. They are ever bringing out new films and characters that agree with the times but have the feel of a classic with the classic tales of a Disney film that it has built up for itself over the years. Bringing out new films and characters that people of all ages can love hate laugh with or cry with Disney is so unique in how each character has its own story .
My favourite Disney film is beauty and the beast as it has a beautiful message that love is on the inside. The beast in the film is also handsome and is beautiful the way the story can show this. I think Disney films can give good messages to children and this has certainly been a film that ha given me this lovely quality in life to see the beauty in all. This is a strong quality I see in my self enforced by a film. This is certainly proof the influence a film has on somebody but also the influence a Disney film can have.
I love lots of Disney films such as Brother Bear which also has a powerful message to see thing the way others do. This is a quality I have today and am able to sympathize with others.
I love The Little Mermaid. Although with a very bad message involved in the film how Ariel changes her body to be with her dream boy? Uh oh this is something that hasn't changes me but I could see how Disney got a message mixed up maybe it was to say a change is good don't let your parents tell you what to do ? Surely not. Any way I love it.

Of course Disney has not been the sole influence on me in my life as I have learnt all my good qualities from my mum , family and friends but it is evident that Disney has been a good influence in my life. And the moral of the story is I hear you cry ? Live by Disney and live happily ever after ? Not exactly but love Disney be open minded at even a grown up age and enjoy a fairy tale story every once in a while.

Sunday 10 November 2013

CATCHING FIRE EXCLUSIVE !!!!!! GALE AND KATNISS and other ramblings about the movie and competition in China

A clip has been released showing Gale and Katniss together talking about a rebellion in district 12.
I'm posting as I'm really excited about the new film coming out based on my fav book Catching Fire. I think its great that Lionsgate are showing lil snippets of the film as it gets us fans excited and also creates a greater hype for the film that is sure to pull in more watchers at the cinemas.
I really hope that its not just the best bits being shown to entice people in because as a true fan of the trilogy of books I have high expectations that have so far been met with bursts of excitement and catching breath cries. I cant wait for Catching Fire which will hit the Reel Cinema in Widnes on the 21st of November. I will be there. Book your tickets here.

The Hunger Games Catching Fire will also be competing in China to come out on top over the new film with Sandra Bullock Gravity that will hit cinemas in China at the same time. Personally I'm rooting for The Hunger Games Catching Fire without even watching it as I'm not at all impressed with the idea of watching two people in the depths of space floating around for an hour or two. Not thanks. But with my late trip to the Cornerhouse in Manchester I found that lots of nonsense is welcome in China that British would not take to. A slapstick humour so how will Gravity fair.

Week 12 My Favourite Actor Corey Haim

Licence To Drive

The Lost Boys Haim as Sam

The Lost Boys Haim as Sam
Dream A little Dream Haim Right with Corey Feldman left
Haim left with Corey Feldman right

Corey Haim died  March 10, 2010  Age 38
Silver Bullet

Corey Feldman missed out on E.T. role

Corey Feldman
This is an article about Corey Feldman and how he missed out on E.T. role. I love Corey Feldman and despite all his spikes as I call them I still like him as a person and wanted to publish a post about him. I first watched him in Stand by me when I was 13 and feel in love with him. Since them its been goonies dream a little dream licence to drive the lost boys and on and on. Corey Feldman plays Edgar Frog a vital role in my favourite movie The Lost Boys. Recently Feldman has released a memoir book with tales of his past including the abuse he and fellow actor and best friend Corey Haim suffered. Haim and Feldman were the Corey duo in the 80s and continued to claim fame in later year too. Both had drug issues brought on by the industry they were in. Both starred in The Two Corey's a TV series documenting their lives.

Corey Haim left Corey Feldman right

Corey Feldman left Corey Haim right

Trailers for great films out this month
Follow the link and will take you to great trailers for films coming out this month. There's an exclusive new trailer of Catching Fire that will make all those who have read the book cry !! as they know what is happening .Must watch also really excited to see the second instalment of The Hobbit. I've been a fan of lord of the rings since they came out and so am loving that the director for lord of the rings has directed The Hobbit too.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Week 11 Now You See Me Film Review

I recently watched Now You See Me for the second time on DVD
I love this film as some of my favourite actors star in it such as Mark Ruffalo from 13 going on 30 and Woody Harrelson from Cheers and The Hunger Games
Film Plot : Four magicians are drawn together to become the worlds greatest magic act pack. Putting on mind boggling stunts taking money and out doing rich obnoxious men they act as a robin hood in most acts giving to the poor stealing from the rich. All this is  a distraction for the main trick.
I love this film as it has action mystery and amazing actors.

Film Editing Help For AS
This is a great link to a glossary page on film editing great learning resource for all students on film studies AS. It gives clear and simply information for each editing technique.

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Film Review

Yesterday I watched  film classic Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I never judge a film by its era and I'm really glad I don't as I loved watching this old timer.
Film Plot ; Eldest brother of seven, Adam sets out to find a wife and within the day he is married to the lovely Millie plays by Jane Powell who dreams of the typical marriage life and is not prepared to also look after Adams 6 rough housed brothers. Each show a gentle heart when Milly teaches them how to "court". For everyone that doesn't know this it means dating.
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers really does show its era but at the same time shows that even though its 60th Anniversary next year the emotions and situations in both 1954 and 2013 are the same .
I loved the film because it was funny and a musical.
The film shows early film editing techniques such as fade ins and outs. A lot of dissolve shots were also used to go from one scene to the next.
The set of the film was brilliant and I loved the vast area that was shown in the film of the mountain range.
Russ Tamblyn circa 1950sMy favourite brother was Gideon played by Russ Tamblyn  as he was one of the youngest brothers with a cheeky smile and high spirit.
Milly: Don't you like girls?
Gideon: We ain't never hardly ever seen one.

Gideon Is also the one to drag Adam to senses near the end of the film with a lot of courage that was the winning punch for me.