Sunday 8 December 2013

WEEK 14 Producers decide to go ahead with planned release of Paul Walker film in two weeks
I am posting this link as it was an article that interested me. Since the news that Dark Blood would be released in 2012 for people to watch after nearly 20 years after production the film did not get released in 1993 because actor and main star of the film River Phoenix had died from a drug overdose. I think it was great they released the film but that it should have been released in 1993 and the delay shown uncertainty from the film industry. So to now read that Paul Walker who sadly died recently can be seen in a film coming to cinemas makes me happy that actors live on. Maybe the decision for Walkers film to be released was made sooner that Phoenix's gap of 20 years because he died from a car crash.
I think it is in the greatest respect to show Walkers film and am very happy for his fans although may be sad to see him can celebrate his work.
What do you think ?

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